Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Special Issue: Renewing Phenomenological Psychopathology


The Renewing Phenomenological Psychopathology project is an International Exchange Award funded by the Wellcome Trust that acts as a catalyst for innovative and interdisciplinary in the field of phenomenological psychopathology. The project leaders are Professor Matthew Broome and Professor Giovanni Stanghellini

Through this grant, we created a network of diverse international scholars from across disciplines and career stages. This was formed through awards (including international exchange fellowships, small grants, and knowledge exchange events). The aim of the project is to revitalize phenomenological psychopathology for the 21st century as a democratic discipline with a historicised and inclusive account of the experience of mental illness.

While we had made some significant headway in disrupting this field, more work needed to be done. For this reason, we sought to create a special issue on the theme of Renewing Phenomenological Psychopathology. Through this special issue, we ask: What is the future of phenomenological psychopathology? We invited contributors to shake up previously sedimented ideas in phenomenological psychopathology and reconstruct this vital phenomenological tradition. Due to the volume of high-quality submissions, the special issue was split into two parts. 

The first part focused on how phenomenological psychopathology can be applied in new ways to gain a deeper understanding of specific psychiatric conditions. One of the core achievements attributed to phenomenological psychopathology has been a richer understanding of an array of psychiatric experiences that had previously been limited to biological accounts. However, not only has our understanding of these conditions drastically transformed since the conception of phenomenological psychopathology in the early 1900s, but entirely new conditions have been recognised and defined. 

Section one of the special issue explores the following mental health conditions (or neurodiversities): Schizophrenia, Depression, Autism and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The papers in the first section either challenge hitherto engrained ideas attached to a given condition or apply phenomenological psychopathology to conditions that have been overlooked by the discipline thus far. 

The second section of the special issue strives to revitalise the very methodology of phenomenological psychopathology. Although the vestiges of phenomenology can be found across disciplines, phenomenological psychopathology has done little to engage with fields outside of philosophy and psychiatry. Advances in disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, neuroscience, critical race theory, and linguistics offer exciting new opportunities which are missed by such a guarded approach.

The second section of the special issue coalesces around three key themes. The first theme involves addressing and ameliorating inequalities in phenomenological psychopathology. The second theme involves examining the role of value and virtue in phenomenological psychopathology. The third theme focuses on fusing phenomenological psychopathology with new approaches across disciplines. 

After a long period of obscurity, phenomenological psychopathology has re-emerged. A new focus on the patient’s voice has given the approach a valued place among once more dominant methodologies. The aim of this special issue is not to sever our roots. Rather, we hope to bring all that is fruitful in the tradition of phenomenological psychopathology into the present, opening it up to new possibilities.

Dr Lucienne Spencer is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Mental Health Ethics located within the Neuroscience, Ethics and Society (NEUROSEC) Team in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford. Her research primarily focuses on phenomenology, epistemic injustice and the philosophy of psychiatry.